Product Description: "Na5" Super Restorative Facial Mask

Contains microscopic (100nm) liposomes, it penetrates instantly into the skin. With its strong affinity for the skin, it is non-irritant and the effect is long-lasting. It maintains a clean and radiant skin by providing skin protection, skin moisturizing, and skin activation. It prevents the formation of wrinkles from stress with its natural fragrances.

Packing: 50 ml

Direction of usage: Only can be applied by professional beautician.

產品名稱: "Na5" 納米酵素精華淨白面膜

採用世界先進的納米生化技術, 將面膜中珍貴的美白活性精華, 結合於超微納米球體載體, 形成超強的滲透力, 將植物提取液及其它珍貴養份以超微小份子迅速滲透到皮膚深層, 用後令妳的肌膚水嫩白皙, 健康光澤。

主要成份: 納米淨白精華, 多種天然植物提取液, 膠原精華, 蘆薈精華, 甘油等

包裝: 50ml 納米美白精華素及其它珍貴天然植物提取液

使用方法: 洗臉後,在清潔的肌膚上敷20-25分鐘,撕下面膜後,可輕輕按摩臉上留著的的養份至完全吸收。一星期使用2-3次,效果更佳。