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Product Description: "Metacos" Collagen Jelly Face Mask

Mild in nature, penetrates rapidly deep into the skin and boots cellular activity and rebirth. While accelerating metabolism, it provides sufficient moisture and nutrition to the skin and discomposes the melanin precipitated deeply into the skin to achieve an even quality of the skin. In the meantime, it helps to increase the skin's moisture and elasticity substantially and provide sufficient collagens and elastin to the skin, creating white, tender and baby-soft skin.

  • #MT-5500-01 -- Ultra Moisturizing
  • #MT-5500-02 -- Cellular Repair
  • #MT-5500-03 -- Anti-wrinkle
  • #MT-5500-04 -- perfect White
  • #MT-5500-05 -- Extreme Soothing

Packing: (60 pcs/box)

Direction of usage: Only applied by professional beautician. To prepare the Jelly mask, only mix 2 capsules of dry powder with 70-80ml hot distill water (temperature of 90 degree) stir and left for 3 minutes. Apply to face and relax for 20 minutes. Treatment can be customised by the beautician with the addition of essential oils or facial essence.

產品名稱: 法國 "Metacos" 果凍 Jelly Mask (DIY 面膜系列)

蘊含天然植物膠原蛋白,特殊的高分子結構存較其他面膜高出10倍養份與水份,其天然保濕因子NMF及多種高效保濕成份, 迅速滲透到肌膚深層,效果顯著。

  • #MT-5500-01 -- HA 保濕
  • #MT-5500-02 -- 活細胞
  • #MT-5500-03 -- 緊膚去皺
  • #MT-5500-04 -- 全效淨白
  • #MT-5500-05 -- 防敏舒緩

容量: (60粒/盒)

使用方法: 美容師專用產品。祇需2粒膠囊份量, 加入約攝氏90度蒸餾水70-80ml,3分鐘後即成晶瑩果凍面膜。 療程更可配合所需的精華素或香薰油,令效果更完美。