Product Description: "Fransio" Eyelash Perm Treatment Set

Its natural contents do not harm your eyelashes. It is mild in nature, safe, and reliable. Its effects are excellent and long-lasting.

  • Ampolue of Eyelash Perming Gel is a curling agent. It makes your eyelashes look like they are curled naturally.
  • Neutralizer Gel is a fixative. It holds the eyelash curl for approximately three months.


  • Eyelash Perming Gel - 1 ml x 10 pcs
  • Neutralizer Gel - 20ml x 1 pc
  • Eyelash Rollers for Perm Treatment - 16 pairs
  • Cotton Buds and Cotton Pads

Direction of usage: Only can be applied by professional beautician.

產品名稱: "法儷仙奴" 電睫毛套庄

蘊含溫和的電睫毛藥水, 在療程中不會對毛髮做成傷害,令睫毛捲得自然美麗, 效果持久滿意。


  • 電睫毛 Gel - 1 ml x 10 支
  • 定型Gel - 20 ml x 1 支
  • 電睫毛卷蕊 - 16對
  • 棉花棒 及 化妝棉

使用方法: 美容師專用。